Monday, August 17, 2009

Tanggal 18 Ogos..

hr ni hr selasa..
as usual, on tues aku off..
there's a lot to do.. but none is done.
today..kene siapkan assignment yg memerlukan aku spending more time to read the notes..
aku lomah... cepat bosan skg ni. ape nak jadi neh... do i am infected by M viruses?

berat kepala ni utk memikirin..
semalam kami jumpe advisor for fyp progresses, jumpe puan ros. she said ok. proceed ur big job. but when we see puan safurah utk komen our application, too many things that need to hard improve..the contents is too weak.. byk info but a lot do not relates to each other katenya.
yup she's right to say that..but aku rs she's making the ideas truly based on what she used to see. dia byk guna cth disney playhouse n wateva to compare our work.. maybe we just a lil too late la jmpe dia.. kl x, we can use that yesterday ideas to make it well. skg ni.. week 5, mane sempat dah.. dr segi contents, based on her ideas.. byk gile kene wat rombakan.. sah2 mcm rombakan kabinet kekdahnya.. xtertanggung kami..

katenya..u do not have to put as many stories u have, but try to make it a lil story become more than many stories..u can put the games as well inside the stories, singing song wateva..
aku see that ideas ok lar, but lil bit messy i guess.. flow dah len...komfirm lari2..
we strongly agreed yg diff lecturer with diff ideas n nothing is much more than that. everyone freely can throw their words.. i used to stand here...keep thinking for the solutions..
animation should be the tremendous things that should i care most at this moment...

aku kepeningan... aku kepenatan.. aku keletihan... utk berlari mengikut rentak dan irama setiap orang.. ku memandang jauh ke langit biru.. terang benderang...
bulan xde.. mane anak bulan... nge~